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Nosta Collective Agreement

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Nosta Collective Agreement

Akavalaisissa sote-ammateissa moni tienaa kuukaudessa every 3,000 euroa. Heisto pàosa on naisia. „Ty-vaimapula ei aina suoraan nosta palkkoja, vaikka niin on totuttu ajattelemaan. Ratkaisut l`ytyv-t palkkauksen ja ty-hyvinfnnin pitk-jenteisest-kehitt-mestà sek-johtamisesta,” JUKOn toiminnanjohtaja Maria Lefgren. „Tysopimuslaki koskee yliopistoja. Jos mer-aikaisuudelle ei l`ydy perusteita, ty-suhde on voimassa toistaiseksi. Voimme puuttua perusteettomiin meeraikaisiin ty-suhteisiin, jos niisse ty-skentelevt nostavat asiansa esille,” JUKOn yliopistosektorin neuvottelup-lliga Katja Aho kirjoittaa. Lue mys, mik merkitys on ulkopuolisella rahoituksella. Jory noted that the registration image is different throughout the region and that it is difficult to identify a trend. „Most schools are directly around the projections. A few are actually upstairs.

A few have declined significantly or been occupied by the anticipation or possibility of an increase, and we have made staff adjustments that limit the number of places open in these schools. As a general rule, we want to keep some places available for new students. Figures above 30 will draw our attention, including in this context. In these cases, open seats are not determined by absolute capacity, but by „better efforts” to meet the language restored in our local collective agreement with NOSTA. The following pay schedules reflect the increases in the six-year collective agreement (July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2019) between BCTF and BCPSEA [including the Economic Stability Dividend (ESD)], which were: September 1, 2014 – 2.0%; January 1, 2015 – 1.25%; May 1, 2016 – ESD – 0.45%; July 1, 2016 – 1.00%; May 1, 2017 – ESD – 0.35%; July 1, 2017 – 0.50%; May 1, 2018 – ESD 0.40 per cent – 1.00%; July 1, 2018 – 0.50%; May 1, 2019 – ESD – 0.75% – 1.00%. For more details on the Dividend for Economic Stability (ESD), see LE 14 of the 2013-19 Collective Agreement. JUKO edustaa yliopisto sector yli 18,000 palkansaajaa. Yliopistojen ty-eshtosopimus neuvotellaan Sivistysty-najat ry:n kanssa. JUKO on yksi kolmesta yliopistosecin p-sopijaj-rjest-ist, muita ovat palkansaajaj-rjest-Proliitto sek-Julkisten ja hyvoivinntialojen liitto (JHL).